Penis Enlargement Surgery

Penis Procedure Medical Jump

Disclaimer* Purpose of this page is not to provide any medical advice but is to provide basic information to clients who are looking for medical tourism for Penis Enlargement Surgery / Penuma Surgery / Penile Enlargement Surgery.


Penis Enlargement Surgery

Penis enlargement or male enhancement, is any technique aimed to increase the size of a human penis. Some methods aim to increase total length, others the shaft's girth, and yet others the glans size. Techniques include surgery, supplements, ointments, patches, and physical methods like pumping and traction.

Note* If you are considering options to undergo Penis Enlargement also known as Penile Enlargement Surgery, Penis Surgery, Penile surgery, permanent male enlargement surgery, penis enhancement surgery, Penuma Surgery, penile enlargement surgery then you are at the right place, we at best medical surgery help our clients with International Medical tourism for Penis Enlargement Surgery.


How does this procedure work?

Penuma is the only penis enlargement surgery cleared for commercial use For penis enlargement surgery the Penuma which is a crescent-shaped piece of medical-grade silicone inserted under your penis skin to make your penis longer and wider. Penis enlargement Surgery is provided in three sizes: large, extra-large, and extra-extra-large.

The tissues that give your penis its shape are composed largely of two types:

  • Corpus cavernosa: two cylindrical pieces of tissue that run parallel to each other along the top of your penis
  • Corpus spongiosum: one cylindrical piece of tissue that runs along the bottom of your penis and surrounds your urethra, where urine comes out

Your Penuma device will be designed to fit your specific penis shape. It’s inserted into your shaft over the corpus cavernosa, like a sheath.

This is done through an incision in your groin area just above the base of your penis. The device stretches the penis skin and tissues to make your penis look and feel larger.

People who have had the Penuma procedure report increases in length and girth (measurement around their penis) of about 1.5 to 2.5 inches, while flaccid and erect.

The average male penis is about 3.6 inches long (3.7 inches in girth) when flaccid, and 5.2 inches long (4.6 inches in girth) when erect.

The penis enlargement surgery using Penuma could enlarge the average penis up to a length of 6.1 inches when flaccid, and 7.7 inches when erect.

Things to consider

Here are some key facts about the penis enlargement surgery using Penuma :

  • If you aren’t already circumcised, you’ll need to do this before the procedure.
  • You can go home the same day as the procedure.
  • You’ll need to arrange a ride to and from the procedure.
  • The procedure generally takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete.
  • Your surgeon will use general anesthesia to keep you asleep during the procedure.
  • You’ll return for a follow-up visit two to three days later.
  • Your penis will be swollen for a few weeks after the surgery.
  • You’ll need to abstain from masturbation and sexual activity for about six weeks.

Are there any side effects or risks?

As with any surgery, risks are associated with the use of anesthesia.

Common side effects of anesthesia include:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • exhaustion
  • hoarse voice
  • confusion

Anesthesia can also increase your risk of:

  • pneumonia
  • heart attack
  • stroke

The penis enlargement  (Penuma) website reports that you may experience pain with erection, and some loss of penis sensation, during the first few weeks. These are usually temporary.

If these side effects last for more than a few days, see your doctor. In some cases, removing and reinserting the Penuma can alleviate these side effects.

According to an evaluation of men who underwent this type of surgery, possible complications include:

  • perforation and infection of the implant
  • stitches coming apart (suture detachment)
  • implant breaking apart
  • blood clots in penile tissue

Also, after surgery your penis may look significantly bulkier or not shaped to your liking.

Make sure you discuss realistic expectations for your penis appearance with your surgeon before you have the procedure.

Is this procedure always successful?

According to the Penuma website, the success rate of penis enlargement procedure is high. Most side effects or complications are purportedly due to people not following surgical aftercare instructions.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine reported on a surgical study evaluation of 400 men who underwent the penis enlargement surgery procedure. The study found that 81 percent rated their satisfaction with their results at least “high” or “very high.”

A small number of subjects experienced complications including seroma, scarring, and infection. And, 3 percent needed to have the devices removed due to problems following the procedure.

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Penis Enlargement, Penis Enlargement Surgery, Penuma Surgery, Penile Enlargement Surgery, Penile Surgery, Penis Surgery, medical tourism for penis enlargement surgery, Penuma


There are so many different reasons why men choose to undergo penile enlargement surgery. Small penis, is one of the biggest reason because of which men choose to undergo permanent male enlargement surgery. Penuma surgery is done to fix issues that are caused due to various health and medical conditions related to a man`s penuma. But in general, it’s safe for THE MAN to decide for undergoing penile enlargement surgery. A man might feel that his penis size is not adequate to satisfy his love partner but The Man can choose to undergo penile enlargement surgery but as for any other surgery, man should weigh the benefits of Penis Enlargement and risks of Penis Enlargement before coming to any decision or conclusion and also discuss with his physician and potential surgeon before getting the Penis Enlargement surgery. Penile enlargement surgery has helped so many people in the past, but Penis Enlargement surgery should not be undertaken without proper consideration.

Penis enlargement is a safe and tested method to increase girth of The penis

With few men there is a frequent desire to increase girth of penis. Girth of Penis and length of Penis increment both are most sought after by men who have inadequate size of Penis, although men who have a reasonable size also go for penis enlargement. There are many procedures to increase girth of Penis, safe and the most effective technique considered till now is Micro Fat Grafting of shaft of penis. Other techniques used are synthetic dermis graft or implants.

Penis lengthening increases length of penis by one inch to two inches

For men who wish to lengthen penis, in both erect and flaccid and state, then, best option is division of suspensory ligament of penis. With now available modern cosmetic surgical techniques, it is now very much possible to do penis lengthening and / or elongation of the length of your penis easily by an inch to two safely by best plastic surgeon for penis lengthening. Penis lengthening surgery is a simple and safe procedure, which does not harm man`s penis. The erectile function of penis is not interfered or altered with during Penis lengthening process at all. It is done as a day surgery. Few other procedures for penis lengthening involve insertion of an implant in man`s Penis.


Ligaments that holds penis in its usual position are cut which allows it to descend below because of which part of penis that is hidden gets revealed as penis moves away from the body. (for penile enlargement surgery, contact us today.) This penis enlargement procedure can increase length of penis by an inch or more. Girth of penis is increased by transplanting fat cells from other parts of body to the penis, using micro fat grafting technique. In this procedure, Fat is suctioned from inner thigh or tummy area using liposuction syringe suction technique, processed and injected under penis`s skin circumferential.


Penis lengthening surgery is generally conducted as day surgery, under local or regional anesthesia. During Penis lengthening surgery incisions are made at root of penis. The penis during Penis lengthening surgery after incision is freed from penis`s supporting attachments which gives additional length to shaft of penis. After the Penis lengthening surgery, the scrotum and penis are bruised and swollen, bruises and swelling can last for two to three weeks. Pain after Penis lengthening surgery, is not very severe. Soreness in the groin and pubic regions almost lasts for ten days but can be controlled with very light oral analgesics. The scar after Penis lengthening surgery, in the pubic area may take several months to fade away but it is concealed and not a big concern.



Some of the risks involved with Penis Enlargement are: downward erection, scar tissue, scar and hairy base.

Other risk involved with Penile Enlargement is that fat grafted during Penile enlargement surgery may cause unevenness and may get absorbed.


Some of the risks involved with Penis Lengthening includes bleeding which is generally caused due to excessive activity resumed very soon after the Penis Lengthening procedure. There is also rare possibility of complications which includes infection, decrease in penis sensation after Penis Lengthening procedure, keloid scarring, penis shortening or erectile dysfunction.

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There are several medical issues that could urge a man to decide to undergo penile enlargement surgery.

  • Micropenis is a medical condition that can effectively be treated using enlargement surgery.
  • Micropenis is an inherited congenital condition problem which can be easily cured with Penis surgery.
  • Another genital disorder called Peyronie’s disease can also cause the penis size to be abnormally small.
  • Prostate cancer surgery can also cause penile retraction, possibly urge a man to decide to undergo penile enlargement surgery.

You should consider your goals and aspiration and do your research before choosing right procedure for penis enlargement surgery and best surgeon for penis enlargement surgery.

The bottom line for Penis Enlargement Surgery

The penis enlargement surgery procedure is expensive, yet some may find it worthwhile.

The makers of Penuma report a high rate of customer satisfaction with the implants and increased levels of self-confidence. For some, it can also result in unwanted, sometimes permanent side effects.

If you’re concerned about the length and girth of your penis, talk with your doctor. They may be able to recommend nonsurgical options that can help you achieve your desired result.

If you are interested in penis enlargement or any other type of plastic surgery, feel free to contact us so that we can fix up your complimentary appointment with experienced and best Plastic Surgeon for penis enlargement surgery.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between the REJUVALL technique and others offering fat transfer for the penis?
Where may I go to get my penis enlarged?
What is the Cost of Penis Enlargement Surgery?
How much time should I schedule off work to have the penis enlargement procedure?
How long do I have to wait to perform sexually with my larger penis?
Does this technique involve cutting ligaments?
Is there any form of implant used?
What changes will I notice after my penis enlargement procedure?
Can I still masturbate?
What if I end up wanting an even larger penis: can I get a second implant?
I’m not circumcised; can I still get the procedure?
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